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David Manklow

We are very proud to announce that Approved Business Finance has now been certified as an associate member of the National Federation of Fish Friers (NFFF).

The NFFF was first established in 1913 and throughout its long history has worked towards protecting and promoting the interests of the UK’s fish friers. It is the only national organisation that can speak and act on behalf of fish friers, and the views of the Federation are sought throughout the catering and associated industries, as well as by local and central Government agencies and authorities.

By being a member of the NFFF, Approved Business Finance will play an essential role in providing products and services to the fish frying industry and in supporting the work of the NFFF in working towards the goal of maintaining fish and chips as the UK’s Number 1 takeaway meal.

Is your business in the fish frying industry? Do you feel that your business could benefit from business finance? If this is something you’re interested in or would like to discuss your options, then please do not hesitate to call us on 01908 429888, email or click on the link to download our finance guide PDF:



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